Action Alert: Increase Funding for the Active Transportation Program

Author: Bike East Bay

The state Active Transportation Program (ATP) is creating safe streets, sidewalks, and trails in communities across the state. In 2014, the program funded a handful of projects in the East Bay – including Lighting and Sidewalk Repair along International Boulevard in Oakland, Albany’s Complete Streets Implementation for San Pablo Ave and Buchanan St, and Alameda County’s East Bay Greenway. 

But what’s more interesting are the programs that the ATP could not fund: like the Richmond Greenway Unity Connector, a project the Richmond BPAC has been trying to get off the ground for years. Or the many Safe Routes to Schools project proposed by Alameda Country Transportation Commission. Or two important Pedestrian and Bicycle bridge projects in Hayward. 

The problem is, local demand for ATP funding far outpaces the amount allocated in the budget. Below, a picture of the Caltrans room with all of the applications for the 2014 cycle. 

We’re teaming up with the California Bicycle Coalition (CalBike) to ask elected officials to grow the Active Transportation Program so that we can better meet the demand for funding. 

On May 14, Bike to Work Day, the Governor released his latest budget proposal. We were disappointed to learn that the Active Transportation Program, California’s statewide grant program dedicated to increasing bicycling and walking, did not see an increase in funding.

Earlier this spring, CalBike and 120 organizations statewide called for adding $100 million to the Active Transportation Program. But despite an increase of more than a billion dollars in available revenue, the governor failed to recognize that need. 

On Wednesday May 20th our champions in the Assembly budget committee stepped up and proposed a $25 million increase the the ATP. The California Bicycle Coalition and our partners statewide are rallying in support of the Assembly proposal, and pushing for it to be reflected in the final budget, which will be adopted by June 15.

We have one chance to get the entire Legislature to counter Governor Brown’s proposal and increase the ATP. Help us rally behind our champions in the Assembly so that all Californians can enjoy the freedom of walking and bicycling safely in their communities. Here’s how to help:

1. Pledge your support at

2. Call your Senator and Assemblymember and tell them to encourage legislative leadership to adopt the Assembly’s proposal to increase the ATP. Find your representative here:

3. After you call, email your representatives to follow up, be sure to cc

Please contact these East Bay Representatives who are on budget committee’s today: 

Tony Thurmund – District 15

Give his local office a call today: (510) 286-1400

And send an email via this contact form

Loni Hancock – District 9

Give her local office a call today: (510) 286-1333

And send an email via this contact form

Rob Bonta – District 18

Give his local office a call today: (510) 286-1670

And send an email: – be sure to cc