Fremont Takes Action with 20 Projects in 20 Months

Author: Bike East Bay

The City of Fremont is taking great strides towards a more bike friendly future. In 2015, the City adopted a Vision Zero policy. In 2016, staff launched a “20 projects in 20 months” action plan which is in full swing. 

You might have already noticed some projects as you ride around town.

Buffers were added to bike lanes on Washington Blvd, Paseo Padre Pkwy, Grimmer Blvd and Warm Springs Blvd, and the city has begun using green paint to highlight conflict zones.

Grimmer Blvd even has a short protected section to further protect people walking and biking from fast-moving cars in the curve. 

What will 2017 bring? Don’t blink – the city is updating the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, has made fixing Freeway Interchanges for bicycle and pedestrian access a priority (specifically, 680/Washington and 880/Fremont), and completed smaller projects like lighting improvements, speed bumps, and crosswalk safety enhancements will contribute to the Vision Zero action plan implementation. 

Last but far from least, the city will be breaking ground on not one but a 15-mile network of protected bikeways downtown, thanks to funding you helped us secure from Measures B and BB. The first will be on Walnut Ave between Guardino and Civic Center, and could be installed as early as March 2017. 

Here’s the catch: the city needs YOU!

With so much activity, there needs to be a group of engaged community members helping identify priorities, review plans, and provide feedback to staff. 

The City of Fremont is looking to fill three positions on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Technical Advisory Committee – find out more and apply here

If you’re interested in helping lead Bike East Bay’s work in Fremont, send us an email!