Spokeland is a 501c3 non-profit bicycle education cooperative located in West Oakland. They are focused on providing a safe and fun workspace for people of all ages, ethnicities, and cultures, genders, sexual orientations, and skill levels. Spokeland offers a fully equipped do-it-yourself/do-it-together bicycle mechanics workshop, an inclusive culture, and mechanical expertise.

Spokeland is excited to announce their new tune-up program! They offer two unique options. The first is a standard tune-up, provided at a very competitive rate. The second is an opportunity to observe and learn from the experience of their expert mechanics through a personalized “Wrench Together” experience. More information in their flyer here.

This tune-up program expands Spokeland’s ability to support the bicycle community. All donations generated by this program directly support their low/no cost shop hours and their volunteer work-trade program.

Get in touch with them or visit the new shop!

Open shop hours: Tues/Thurs 6-9pm and Sun 1-6pm ~~ 813 37th St. Oakland 94608

Phone: 510-852-9253

Email: spokeland@gmail.com