Saturday, September 7, 2024 – 11:30 am to 2:30 pm
Tassafaronga Recreation Center, 975 85th Ave, Oakland
The goal of the Calm East Oakland Streets Project is to create slow, calm, and inviting streets for people to walk or bike to neighborhood destinations such as schools, libraries, recreation centers, parks, and corner stores.
The project will repair broken streets and sidewalks and improve safety on residential streets by slowing vehicle speeds and decreasing cut-through traffic. This will calm traffic and curb aggressive driving while simultaneously increasing access to pleasant walking & bicycling on four key street corridors in East Oakland:
-Hamilton St – Rudsdale St – D St – Royal Ann St between 69th Ave to 105th Ave
-Foothill Blvd – Arthur St – Plymouth St between 64th Ave to 79th Ave
-81st Ave between San Leandro St to Bancroft Ave
-85th Ave between San Leandro St to Bancroft Ave
What kind of improvements create a Slow and Calm Street?
To keep streets safer and more comfortable for people walking and biking, Calm East Oakland Street improvements may include:
-Crossing improvements to help people cross major streets like Bancroft Ave and international Blvd.
-Repaving streets, fixing sidewalks, installing curb ramps, and fixing drainage problems to provide safe, clean spaces in East Oakland neighborhoods
-Special signage and roadway paint to alert people driving to expect bicyclists and to direct people biking along the routes
-Speed bumps, traffic circles, and bulb-outs to slow down motorists and provide a safer environment for East Oaklanders
-Limited vehicle access zones to reduce speeding and cut-through traffic on residential streets
Learn more about the project and register for updates here.