9th Street Bicycle Boulevard Grand Opening Ceremony April 21

Author: Bike East Bay

Join Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates, EBBC Director Renee Rivera and Councilmembers from both Berkeley and Emeryville on Saturday, April 21st at 10am for a much over due grand opening celebration of the 9th Street Pathway connection. After a few remarks and a ribbon cutting at the Berkeley/Emeryville border, we’ll ride along the path to Berkeley Earth Day and enjoy Berkeley’s biggest festival of the year. Bike valet provided by EBBC.

The 9th Street Pathway is a multi-use pedestrian and bicycle pathway connecting West Berkeley to Emeryville. It is part of County and Regional bicycle routes and connects the new Berkeley Bowl store and other West Berkeley and Emeryville destinations with residential areas, transit stations and schools. Please join us to celebrate this inter-city connection which has been over 10 years in the making!

Funding for this project comes from:

  • Alameda County Transportation Commission (Measure B funding)
  • MTC (Transportation Development Act Article 3 funding)
  • Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Transportation Fund for Clean Air funding)
  • Caltrans Local Assistance (Bicycle Transportation Account funding)
  • City of Berkeley staff:
  • Public Works
  • Fire Department
  • Police Department