[Updated March 14, 2023. Check the county public works pages listed below for the latest closure information]

Our 2022-23 rain season has already washed out several popular bike routes and trails around the East Bay, with others closed due to flooding, fallen trees, and other hazards. With even more rain on the way this list is likely to grow. Repairs are in progress but access may will remain restricted, in some cases for a long time. Read on for details, and what to do if you encounter a closure not listed here.

(Photo: Washed out Redwood Road north of Castro Valley)

Road and Trail Closures

Follow the links below for info on impacted roadways in unincorporated areas around the East Bay, and East Bay Regional Parks trails. The most extensive closures are along rural or hills routes in unincorporated areas, and on regional trails, though there may be additional closures on other city streets or trails not listed here.

Contra Costa County – Unincorporated Area Roads

Alameda County – Unincorporated Area Roads

City of Oakland

East Bay Regional Parks – Trails and Facilities

Hazard Reporting

Resources for reporting landslides, potholes, and other hazards in every East Bay city and unincorporated area are available online at BikeEastBay.org/Hazards

  • CALL IN any emergency issues like flooding, landslides, downed trees or power lines, as opposed to reporting them via an app or website which might result in a slower response time. Contra Costa County Public Works, Alameda County Public Works, and East Bay Parks phone numbers are provided above.
  • For non-emergency app, website, or email reports, include detailed location info and if possible a photo of the issue showing the whole street, not a close up, to help Public Works crews locate and fix it.

(Photo: Flooded 580 underpass at Webster Street in Oakland)

Bike Safely

  • If you encounter road closure signage or downed power lines, do not ride through. Use extreme caution and avoid biking through deep or murky water whenever possible.
  • Beware of bike-eating puddles! Even small ones can hide nasty things like potholes, nails, or glass, which can cause a flat tire or a crash.
  • Tips for biking in the rain are available at BikeEastBay.org/WetWeather. However, during intense storms we recommend avoiding non-essential travel by any mode. Keep it slow, play it safe, and when in doubt turn back.

If you encounter major road or trail closures not indicated in the resources above, please let us know so we can help get the word out: BikeEastBay.org/contact