2016 Member Survey Results

Author: Bike East Bay

Members make Bike East Bay happen: You mobilize our campaigns, volunteer at events, and financially sustain our work. We’re taking your feedback to guide our work in years to come. We give a big THANK YOU to the over 600 members who responded to Bike East Bay’s 2016 member survey. Here’s a snapshot of what’s important to you:

You ride a lot. 78% of members ride for fun, 68% shop by bike, and 64% bike to work several times a month or more. 

Membership means representation. Almost all of you join as members in order to support bicycle advocacy and to be represented as a bicyclist.

You want protected bike lanes. Over 90% of you thought that pushing for protected bike lanes was very to extremely important in order to encourage more people to ride, reduce collisions, and to make biking a more visible part of the roadway.

Women Bike. 40% of Bike East Bay members identify as women, which is higher than the percentage of women who ride in the East Bay or nationally. The top two women specific events you’re interested in are regular social rides and basic bike maintenance workshops – which we have coming up!

You’re in it for all of us. Street improvements that improve your ride are just as important to you as street improvements that encourage new or less confident bicyclists to ride around town.  

And you love us! A whopping 98% of you plan on renewing your membership

If you have questions, please contact Membership Manager Ginger Jui at Ginger@BikeEastBay.org or call 510-845-7433 ext 1.