Richmond Approves Carlson Boulevard

Author: Bike East Bay

Update: Carlson Blvd was approved!  

The City of Richmond has designed and secured funding for a street redesign project on Carlson Boulevard. From Bayview to Broadway, the “Carlson Crosstown Connection” will transform Carlson from a fast arterial to a neighborhood connector. 

Carlson Boulevard will go to City Council on October 25 November 15 November 29 December 6 December 20 when council should vote to direct staff to advertise the Carlson Boulevard construction contract. Bike East Bay, Rich City Rides and the Richmond BPAC are in support of this project and will be going to City Council to ask for their unanimous approval. â€‹But we need your support to! City Council has delayed the project due to concerns from residents about congestion and lack of people riding bikes. 

Here’s what you can do: 

The project features a road diet and buffered bike lanes. Special attention was given to improving connections for bicyclists to the Richmond Greenway. From Bayview to Tehama, bike lanes and pedestrian improvements will be added, including around the I-80 underpass. In addition, over 40 new ADA curb ramps will be built, and access to bus stops will be improved. If you like the idea of a Carlson Boulevard that is safer for people walking, biking, taking the bus and driving, add your name to our letter to City Council thanking them for their leadership to get this project built.

Here is a snapshot of the new, bike-only crossing to help ease access to the Richmond Greenway: 

Carlson Boulevard serves multiple different communities, many of which are historically underserved. This project has the potential to allow residents to take back their streets, increase ability to safely walk and bike in their neighborhood, and transform an important city corridor. From improving community health to providing more affordable transportation and recreation options, the Carlson Boulevard Project could be a game changer in redesigning Richmond streets with Pride and Purpose.

Sign the letter

According to the South Richmond Transportation Connectivity Plan, the following issues and opportunities are present on Carlson Boulevard:

  • Carlson runs directly parallel to the Amtrak train tracks and I-580, and as a result, there are no driveways, residents, or businesses on the west side of the street north of Monterey Street.
  • Carlson Boulevard passes under I-80, which poses significant challenges for bicycle and pedestrian access as a result of multi-lane on and off ramps. The design of the interchange encourages high-speed right-turn movements at the on-ramps.
  • Union Pacific Rail Road rail lines create one of the most dangerous intersections in the state at Carlson Boulevard/Cutting Boulevard, according to the California Public Utilities Commission despite proximity to schools and residences.
  • Traffic volumes on Carlson Boulevard are not expected to require more than one travel lane in each direction throughout most of the corridor, with center left turn lanes in place of a median in advance of selected intersections. Carlson Boulevard has on average 7,900 to 9,100 vehicles per day but the capacity of 38,200 vehicles per day. In comparison, both South 23rd and Barrett have over 16,000 cars a day.

The Carlson Project is called for and described in the 2011 Richmond Bicycle Master Plan, the 2016 South Richmond Transportation Connectivity Plan, and the 2009 County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Check out the project map here. It’s about time that the project goes beyond the planning stage and gets built.

Sign our letter asking City Council to unanimously direct staff to advertise the Carlson Boulevard construction contract. You can also email City Councilmembers directly here.

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