Here are BFBC positions, statements, and letters on issues of interest, ordered most-recent-first. By all means, write your own letter of support on these issues!
- Caldecott Tunnel 4th bore: Needed Bike/Ped Mitigations, 2005-08-23.
- Caldecott Tunnel 4th bore: Response to CalTrans, 2005-07-13.
- Caldecott Tunnel 4th bore: Needed Bike/Ped Mitigations, 2005-08-23.
- Caldecott Tunnel 4th bore: Response to CalTrans, 2005-07-13.
- Marin Avenue Reconfiguration, 2005-01-01.
- 2004 Bicycle Plan Update, 2004-11-02.
- UC Berkeley Long Range Development Plan, 2004-06-15.
- Proposed Center St Changes, 2004-03-28.
- Proposed West Berkeley Bowl Project, 2004-03-23.
- Measure I and Measure 2 on March 2004 Ballot, 2004-02-03.
- Safe Routes to School in SAFETEA (S 1072), 2004-01-21.
- Bike racks on 45′ busses (SB 367, AB 1409), 2004-01-19.
- Caldecott Tunnel 4th bore: Scope of EIR, 2004-01-19.
- Statutory Exemption for Bike Lanes from CEQA (AB 594), 2004-01-19.
- Safe Routes to Transit as part of Toll Bridge increase (SB 916), 2004-01-19.
- UC Berkeley Long Range Development Plan, 2003-11-17.
- Preventing Another Raid on the Bike Fund, 2003-11-04.
- Bay Trail Extension to the Berkeley Marina, 2003-10-03.
- Traffic Circle Funding and Bike Fund, 2003-07-14.
- Bay Trail Extension to the Berkeley Marina, 2003-07-10.
- Measure B Bike-Ped Safety Funds are NOT for Landscaping Enhancements, 2003-06-24.
- Bicycle Access at Landscaped Diverters in SW Berkeley, 2003-05-15.
- San Pablo Avenue Public Improvement Plan, 2003-05-02.
Here are BFBC positions, statements, and letters on issues of interest, ordered most-recent-first. By all means, write your own letter of support on these issues!