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Pleasant Hill Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan:
Final Approval Hearing

Where: City Council Chambers, City Hall, at 100 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill

When: 7 PM on Monday, March 18, 2024

At this meeting Pleasant Hill City Council will hold a final public hearing and vote on whether to approve the city’s first-ever Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Complete meeting details here

What is in the plan?

This document directs funding & installation of future bicycle and pedestrian facility improvements for the next 20 years in Pleasant Hill. This informs and is alignment with broader goals laid out in the city’s “general plan”.

Some goals Pleasant Hill has around active transportation include: “Increase the number of bicycle and pedestrian trips by users of all ages and abilities” and “Encourage more people to walk and bicycle for utilitarian purposes”.

What is so great about this plan?

This plan was previously reviewed by the Planning commission in 2023 (over a year ago) at which time the community, including Bike East Bay and parents from Bike PHE, raised concerns that the plan was not adequate due to the lack of low-stress and all-ages bikeway networks. As a result multiple community meetings were held in the spring for additional input which is now reflected in this revised plan.

We are very happy to see that this new draft now includes over 12 miles of recommended protected bikeways and more than 17 miles of traffic-calmed, neighborhood bike routes (aka bike boulevards), up from zero in the previous version.

What happens next?

City Council members need to hear the community’s support of the plan, so please send an email to or attend the meeting on March 18th. Comments can be short like “Please approve this plan” or more detailed with reasons for your position. If you are sending in written comments make sure to do so soon, as these are often sent to council members several days in advance of the meeting.

For more information, please call or email Ryan McClain at (925) 671-5203 or

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