Welcome Back, Campus Bike Riders!
Hopefully, you had a fantastic summer and took advantage of the less-than-overcast weather to do some extra riding. To kick off the 2015-16 academic year, here’s an update on several exciting bike-related things that have been happening around the campus.
Did you know that Cal has over 5,500 people commuting by bicycle to campus on a typical school day? The campus transportation survey was conducted in early 2015 and found that over 12% of all campus commuters ride a bike to campus — nearly 21% of faculty, 9% of staff, 27% of graduate students, and 7% of undergraduates commute by bike! Since 2012, bicycle commuting has increased by about 1.4%
New and Improved Secure Bike Parking! Parking & Transportation has revamped its secure bike parking program with a streamlined application process for using the secure cages in the Boalt Garage, RSF Garage and Bancroft Parking Structure. Ten new electronic bike lockers have been installed at University Hall (north side) and RSF (Bancroft side). The electronic bike lockers are similar to those found at BART stations and require sign up through Bike Link. Note: Some other campus buildings may have secure bike rooms; ask your building coordinator if this resource is available.
You may have heard: campus bike theft has gone down 45% since UCPD began deploying “bait bikes” equipped with tracking systems that enable officers to locate the bikes after they are stolen. More info here: link
Waterside Workshops, a full-service community bicycle shop and do-it-yourself studio with a youth education program, received a $15,000 Chancellor’s Community Partnership Fund grant. The grant will be used to upcycle discarded and donated campus bicycles to use to support youth programs, job training, classes, and recreation opportunities for some of the Bay Area’s most at-risk youth while offering services to the community. Waterside Workshops is a great place to buy a used bike.
Many are excited to see Bay Area Bike Share expanded into the East Bay around campus. There will be a planning ride in September where interested campus riders can learn more about the expansion and help identify locations for new bike share stations in the Southside and potentially on the campus. Have a suggestion for a station? Mark it here: http://goo.gl/MsT3JS
Lower Sproul Plaza is slowly opening after years of being under construction. New bike racks have been installed and are accessible near the Cal 1 Card office and at the west end of the Chavez Student Union (near Alumni Hall). BicyCAL will also be moving into a new space at Lower Sproul later this semester.
Speaking of new bike racks, The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) and Parking & Transportation have provided funding to install new, outdoor bike racks around the campus. Installation should begin early this fall at sites near Bechtel Hall, VLSB and Moffitt Library. Other sites may be added, pending funding availability.
The City of Berkeley is finalizing the design for new bikeways as part of the Hearst Avenue Complete Street project. The project includes protected bicycle lanes, improved signals and intersections, a vehicle lane reduction, and many other pedestrian improvements. Construction is expected to begin in 2016. For more information, contact Todd Henry (tthenry@berkeley.edu), refer to the City’s website here or contact Don Irby at dirby@ci.berkeley.ca.us.
The City of Berkeley Bicycle Master Plan is in the process of being updated. This plan will guide bicycle improvements throughout the city and around the campus for years to come. Look for more outreach this fall. More info here: link.
Call for volunteers! The Bicycle Committee is looking for volunteers for a bike locking education outreach program. If you are interested in helping educate campus riders about better ways to lock their bike and prevent theft, please contact Todd Henry (tthenry@berkeley.edu).
Call for projects! Do you have an idea for a bike-related outreach or capital project to improve the bicycling environment and to encourage more people to ride? Many of the projects included in the 2006 campus bike plan have already been addressed. You can help us generate new plans that might inform future projects if future funding can be identified. Contact Todd Henry (tthenry@berkeley.edu) for more information.
Upcoming Events:
August 29, Waterside Workshops Yearly Bike Donation Pick-up Day, 84 Bolivar Drive (near Berkeley Aquatic Park). Due to the rapid growth of our youth bicycle mechanics program, Waterside Works needs bikes and bike parts of all conditions, shapes, and sizes. ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. To schedule a donation pick up time please contact: watersideworkshops@gmail.com or (510) 644-2577. General hours for donations are Wednesday-Sunday 12-6pm.
September 10, 6-8pm: Berkeley Bike Plan Organizing Meeting, Sports Basement, 2727 Milvia Street. Refreshments and snacks provided. (Hosted by Bike East Bay)
September 19, 10am-1pm: Adult Learn-to-Ride Class – Berkeley, Berkeley High School parking lot, Milvia Street & Bancroft Way, Berkeley. Pre-registration is required for this class. (Hosted by Bike East Bay)
September 23, 2-4pm: Bay Area Bike Share Expansion Tour at UC Berkeley. (Hosted by Todd Henry, UC Campus Planning) To sign up for this ride, please contact Todd at tthenry@berkeley.edu
October 3, 2-3pm: Bike Theft Prevention Workshop, Berkeley Main Library, 2090 Kittredge St, Berkeley (Hosted by Bike East Bay) Every attendee will receive a free Bike Link starter card, giving you access to secure bike parking at UC Berkeley, BART stations and other locations all over the Bay Area (and at other UC campuses!)
October 5, 6:30-8:30pm: Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop – UC Berkeley, Wheeler Hall, Room 20 (basement), UC Berkeley. All of our UC Berkeley classes are open to the public, but are also part of the BEST (Bicycle Education & Safety Training) program allowing ticketed cyclists to have their fines reduced. Learn basic rules of the road, how to share the road with cars on busy streets, how to equip your bicycle, lock your bike, fit your helmet, and avoid crashes by riding predictably, visibly, and communicating with other road users by your actions and signals. (Hosted by Bike East Bay and UC Berkeley)
October 17, 10am-1pm: Adult Learn-to-Ride Class – Berkeley, Berkeley High School parking lot, Milvia Street & Bancroft Way, Berkeley. Pre-registration is required for this class. Rental bikes and helmets can be made available to participants who can not bring their own, at low cost. (Hosted by Bike East Bay)
October 23, 10:30-12: UC Berkeley Bicycle Committee Semesterly Meeting, 1936 University Avenue (Promenade Building, Conf Rm 231)
November 2, 6:30-8:30pm: Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop – UC Berkeley, Wheeler Hall, Room 20 (basement), UC Berkeley. (Hosted by Bike East Bay and UC Berkeley)
November 10, 12:30-1:30pm: The New First and Last Mile to Transit. Location TBD (Hosted by SPUR Oakland) Getting to and from the region’s transit stations has always posed a challenge. Can recent transportation innovations help solve the perennial “first and last mile” problem? Several Bay Area business and agencies are developing new models to get people to and from transit. Hear what’s in use, what’s being developed and what could be successful in the future.
November (date to-be determined): Night Safety Bike Light Giveaway. Last fall, the Campus Bicycle Committee and volunteers – and gracious support by UCPD – handed out over 100 rear bike lights at Bowditch and Channing to promote bike safety after dark. We plan to host this event again this semester and are looking for volunteers. Contact Todd Henry (tthenry@berkeley.edu) for more information or how you can help out!
November 16-25: Sustainable Transportation Week. Sponsored by the Offices of Sustainability and Parking & Transportation. Contact sustainability@berkeley.edu for more information.
December 2, 2015, 6:30-8:30pm: Urban Cycling 101 Classroom Workshop – UC Berkeley, Wheeler Hall, Room 20 (basement), UC Berkeley. (Hosted by Bike East Bay and UC Berkeley)
Todd T. Henry, AICP
(p) 510.642.1173