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community agreement

Bike East Bay strives to create a space that is safe and welcoming for everyone.

Bike East Bay strives to create a positive and supportive environment where people of all races, classes, genders, abilities, and geographies feel welcomed, seen, celebrated, and treated equitably.  As a member of this community, we value your participation in keeping our events safe and welcoming.

These are our expectations of staff, volunteers, and visitors at any Bike East Bay event:

  • We approach each other with empathy and care.

  • We are aware of the impact of our words and actions.

  • We use each other’s preferred pronouns and ask when in doubt.

  • We offer before helping or explaining.

  • We seek consent before physical contact.

  • We look out for each other and let someone know when we have been hurt.

  • We do our best to fulfill these agreements, and we work to correct mistakes.

Staff members are always available for support with an issue, or answering any questions about appropriate behavior. If you notice someone feeling hurt or uncomfortable, please check in with them or staff. Thank you for helping keep our space safe, supportive, and fun!


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