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Bay Bridge Pathway Update: July 2016

Author: Bike East Bay

Date: July 11, 2016

You may have seen coverage from San Francisco Bicycle Coalition (SFBC) showing an exciting, snake-like, bike path connection to a West Span of the Bay Bridge Pathway option, shown here. Keep your excitement, but contain it if you will until this Fall, when the East Span pathway connection to Yerba Buena Island is expected to open. We will post an announcement soon about this celebration, which we will want you at. Bike East Bay plans to parlay excitement of our touchdown to Yerba Buena into full support for completing the pathway to San Francisco. Until then, read about SFBC’s coverage of the West Span.

The East Span connection to Yerba Buena island has been delayed in order for originally unplanned bike ped improvements to Yerba Buena Island to be made, particularly for people walking the East Span Pathway. Improvements in the works include a nice landing plaza, viewing area with restrooms and interpretive information. Currently, there is no good place for pedestrians at the planned touchdown.

Additional improvements in the works after the touchdown opens include bike safety improvements to Hillcrest Road on the island, which is narrow and hilly. We will provide a full update on all of this when the touchdown announcement is ready. Stay tuned!