We are hiring a part-time intern to help expand the Campaign

Author: Bike East Bay

1,000 New Cyclists Post Card

1,000 New Cyclists Campaign seeks part-time intern. If you would like to join our team and help with this exciting new campaign, check out our internship posting.

It is that time of year for businesses to start promoting bicycling for their employees, visitors and customers. Are you one of our “1,000 new cyclists?” Or one of their mentors or bike buddies? Take the next step….

…and encourage your employer or school to support the cause of active transportation. Here are three easy steps any business can take:

  1. display a Bicycle Coalition bike transportation map at your offices/school;
  2. host a free Lunchtime Bike Commute Workshop; and
  3. save $20/month by encouraging your company to offer Commute Checks

    More information available at www.1000newcyclists.org