Take the BikeAlameda Survey.

Author: Bike East Bay

Help BikeAlameda make biking better in Alameda. Give us a piece of your mind.

If you live or work in Alameda, please take two minutes to complete our online survey.

We are trying to get a general distribution of street users.

I will be closing the survey this Friday – Feb 5, so if you haven’t already completed the survey, please do.

And send it along to your friends and neighbors, too.

In 2001, BikeAlameda issued a survey to get a feel for what was important to Alamedans. Our mission is to encourage everyday use of the bicycle in and around Alameda. So we wanted to know what changes could be done to encourage Alamedans.

We’d like to get an update on how you feel about biking in Alameda. What encourages you to bike? If you don’t bike already, what could encourage you to start? If you already ride a little, what would encourage you to ride one more day a week?

TAKE THE SURVEY at: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s/227971/biking-in-alameda

To find out what people were thinking in 2001 go to: http://www.bikealameda.org/info/bikingsurvey/

