Richmond’s Measure U to Fund Repaving Program

Author: Bike East Bay

On last November’s ballot, Richmond Measure U received 53.7% of votes. Measure U, a half cent sales tax with no sunset clause, will raise close to $3.75 million a year (without counting growth projections). 

The revenue will go towards health and wellness programs, public safety, youth activities and street paving. City Council asked that 50% of the funds go towards street paving, and on January 27th staff from the engineering department will be presenting at City Council regarding the type of projects they would like to implement. 

The funds will additionally help the city put up matching funds to many already partially funded projects, without which funding might be pulled. 

Tawfiq ——, Measure U’s implementation project manager, is championing the effort and has bicycling street improvements high on his docket. 

Here is the list of proposed documents: 

Ask Patrick for soft copy. 

Measure U, and the new city council, make early 2015 an optimistic time. 

Come to city council to support the project list and implementation in order to secure funds. 

For more information on Measure U, see the city’s website here.