Pleasanton Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan Moves Closer to Adoption

Author: Bike East Bay

The Bicycle Master Plan will be reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Commission on August 27, 2009. The final step in the review process will be review and adoption by the City Council, which is tentatively scheduled for September 15, 2009 [At the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting held on June 17, 2009, the BPAC voted to approve the Draft Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan and forward it for further City reviews and approvals. The master plan was then reviewed and approved by the Trails Ad Hoc Committee on July 27, 2009. ] Once the master plan is adopted as the official policy document addressing the development of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Pleasanton, the projects within the master plan will be constructed as City funding or grant funding becomes available.

The final public workshop regarding the Draft Pleasanton Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan was held on March 18, 2009. At its meeting on April 20, 2009 the Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) provided final comments on the master plan. The draft master plan was then updated to reflect the input obtained from the BPAC, workshop attendees, and other Pleasanton residents, while remaining mindful of the budget, scope, and schedule for the project.

The Draft Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan and the related environmental document are available for review on the City of Pleasanton website at:

Pleasanton Bicycle Plan

Additional information about the master plan is available on the City of Pleasanton website at:

Pleasanton Master Plan

The funding for the master plan is provided by the Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority (ACTIA). Further information about ACTIA is available

Please contact me if you have any questions.


Janis Stephen, P.E.

Assistant Engineer II

City of Pleasanton – Community Development / Traffic Engineering Division

(925) 931-5671