Pleasant Hill Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan in the Works

Author: Bike East Bay

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September 30, 2010 Update

Bicycle Coalition volunteer Douglas Gary was at the Pleasant Hill Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan meeting September 30, 2010 and reports that the actual master plan will be posted when it is more fully developed and approved, probably about April of 2011. There are links on their website below that will allow the public to see what currently exists and what is being proposed for bike routes. There is also a link that will allow anyone to make comments regarding the project.

During the meeting members of the public broke into groups and talked about issues related to the plan. One of the concerns had to due with the east/west access across Contra Costa Blvd. and I-680. Some felt the traffic lights crossing Contra Costa Blvd. (East/West) were to short for bicyclists to safely get across. Although most of I-680 is not in Pleasant Hill, people said that there was no practical way to get across I-680 (East/West). Eric Hu (925-671-5203), Associate Engineer for the City of Pleasant Hill said that crossing I-680 is an issue that would need to go through Cal Trans. Lauren Buckland Ledbetter (510-540-5008, ext 103), Associate with Alta Planning + Design was also a speaker at the meeting.

There were about 20 people there and I think all of them were bicyclists. I put my name and email on the signup list so when the additional meetings are scheduled for the PH master bike plan I’ll get an email on it and will keep you in the loop.

The City of Pleasant Hill is developing its first comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The purpose of the plan is to develop a network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities that will provide better access to transit, schools and shopping destinations. The Plan will also develop policies to provide ample bike parking and other support systems for bicycling and walking in Pleasant Hill. Lastly, the Plan will include recommended education and encouragement programs to help Pleasant Hill residents learn to bicycle and walk safely.

More information on the plan can be found at the Pleasant Hill Bike/Pedestrian Plan Website

The first public outreach meeting will be held at 6:00PM on Wednesday, September 29. If you are a bicyclist or pedestrian in Pleasant Hill, please plan to attend!