Plan AC Transit’s Future: Reliable Buses, Good Bike Routes

Author: Bike East Bay

AC Transit is working to identify core strengths and new opportunities for improvement within AC Transit’s system and this is the best opportunity Bike East Bay has had in a while to come up with a comprehensive approach to making busy streets work for transit and safe bike access. This may not be AC Transit’s goal with PlanACT, but we want to make it part of their goal. Streets like Telegraph Ave, MacArthur Blvd, San Pablo Ave, Foothill Blvd, etc all need to be substantially improved to prioritize local traffic over cut thur traffic. We need your help convincing AC Transit and the cities it works with.

You can participate in two ways: 1) come to one of our open house workshops from October 1-23 (see list below); or 2) take our survey (coming soon).

If Copenhagen can run buses with 50,000 people/day on them and do so on streets with 40,000 cyclists, Bike East Bay and AC Transit can figure out a way to make our streets a priority for active commutes—walking, bicycling and taking transit.

What is Plan ACT?

Plan ACT is a detailed review of AC Transit service, infrastructure, and policies to create a near and longterm vision for investment. Plan ACT is divided into three distinct planning efforts:

• Comprehensive Operations Analysis (COA) to review routes and schedules;

• Major Corridor Plan (MCP) to review infrastructure needs on key transit routes; and

• Short-range Transportation Plan (SRTP) to refresh AC Transit’s policies and vision.

Plan ACT will begin in Fall 2014 with the COA.

What is a Comprehensive Operations Analysis?

COA stands for Comprehensive Operations Analysis. It is a detailed study of AC Transit’s system to identify core strengths and new opportunities for improvement. The COA focuses mainly on routes and schedules. The COA asks how to best serve East Bay residents, employees, students, and visitors while being a good steward of public money.

Why do a Comprehensive Operations Analysis?

Travel patterns, traffic, customer preferences and land use change over time. The COA is an opportunity to determine how AC Transit can both respond to and anticipate changes.

How does a Comprehensive Operations Analysis work?

The COA is a collaborative process between AC Transit and the public. AC Transit provides information about system performance and potential service tradeoffs. The public uses this information to provide feedback to develop options for further evaluation.

Options are refined into final recommendations for a finished plan. When adopted by the ACTransit Board, that plan becomes the blueprint for future service improvements.

Who can be a participant?

Everyone! AC Transit wants to hear from existing and potential customers, employers, business owners, community advocates, and elected officials.

How can I participate? 

Plan ACT will collect feedback through surveys, open house

workshops, community meetings, and AC Transit Board meetings. Plan ACT will engage people of all backgrounds to ensure that diverse needs and experiences are brought into the discussion.

If you would like AC Transit to bring the Plan ACT presentation to your community meeting, please contact us. For more information, contact us at or (510) 891-7293.

Open-House Workshops

Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2014

6:00 PM â€“ 8:00 PM

Hayward City Hall Conference Room 2A

777 B Street Hayward, CA 94541

Lines 22, 32, 37, 48, 60, 83, 85, 86/386, 93, 94, 95, 99

Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014

6:00 PM â€“ 8:00 PM

DeFremery Recreation Center

Social Hall

1651 Adeline Street

Oakland, CA 94607

Lines 26, NL

Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014

6:00 PM â€“ 8:00 PM

Youth Uprising

8711 MacArthur Blvd

Oakland, CA 94605

Lines 57, 98

Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014

6:00 PM â€“ 8:00 PM

Youth Employment Partnership

2300 International Blvd

Oakland, CA 94601

Lines 1, 1R, 62

Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014

5:30 PM â€“ 7:30 PM

Alameda Main Library

Community Room B

1550 Oak Street

Alameda, CA 94501

Lines 20, 21, 51A, O

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014

6:00 PM â€“ 8:00 PM

California School for the Blind

Theater Room

500 Walnut Avenue

Fremont, CA 94536

Lines 215, 217, 232

Saturday, Oct. 18, 2014

10:30 AM â€“ 12:30 PM

Berkeley Library – South Branch

Community Meeting Room

1901 Russell Street

Berkeley, CA 94704

Lines 12, 49, F

Thursday, Oct. 23, 2014

6:00 PM â€“ 8:00 PM

Richmond Main Library

325 Civic Center Plaza

Richmond, CA 94804

Lines 72M, 74