Many are no doubt aware of the construction going on to replace the “World’s Shortest Freeway” at the south end of Lake Merritt. The EBBC was a major supporter of Measure DD in 2002, which is paying for the construction of a neighborhood boulevard to replace the Eisenhower-era freeway stub. Along with new bike lanes on Lakeshore Avenue, we are seeing the results of our advocacy!
Here’s a good article from KQED’s Quest series about the work going on around the Lake: Measure DD Accomplishments
See some great aerial photos of the construction at the Oakland 12th Street Blog
In 2002, the East Bay Bicycle Coalition (EBBC) campaign slogan for Oakland’s Measure DD was to “replace the world’s shortest freeway.” Bicycle access and safety—to and around—Lake Merritt resonated with Oakland’s voters who overwhelmingly supported Measure DD with 80% approval at the polls.
Bicyclists celebrate the conversion of Lakeshore Ave, from El Embarcadero to E 18th St, from a forbidding street filled with dangerous potholes and speeding traffic, into a new route that all bicyclists can enjoy.
The recently completed repaving of Lakeshore Ave, along with new Lakeside Ave on-street bike lanes and multiuse pathways, point toward the next installment of Measure DD that will focus on 12th Street. The 12th St project promises to offer safe access for bicyclists and pedestrians between downtown Oakland and the Lakeshore neighborhood, and also remove the barrier that separates the Lakeshore neighborhood from the Lake Merritt BART Station.