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Is This Your Stolen Bike?

Author: bcomadmin

Date: July 11, 2007

[G2:588 class=left] Here is the story forwarded from Scott Ward, who deserves applause for his conciencious effort and receives a free year’s EBBC membership:

On my way home on Alcatraz last week I noticed a guy swerving back and forth (the way folks do when under the influence of crack) on a pretty nice bike.

I ended up chatting with the guy asked if he wanted to sell it? He said yes, and I bought it for 40 bucks.

Some specs:

Time pedals

Dura Ace components

Touring frame w/rack and reinforced drop outs

Nice wheels

Here is the deal – it has two EBBC stickers I photo shopped these out of the pic. The owner should know what these are and where they are placed on the frame.

What I want:

40.00 dollars

For someone to be reunited with their bike.

Call me and we can discuss.


Maison Nouveau Partner

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