Iowa County bans RAGBRAI

Author: Bike East Bay

From the weekly newsletter of the National Center for Bicycling and Walking:

Crawford County Bans RAGBRAI, What does this mean for bicycling?

The Iowa Bicycle Coalition has expressed disappointment in the actions

of the Crawford County Board of Supervisors who recently banned

RAGBRAI or any events of similar nature from occurring on the public

roadways. The action was rash, short sighted, and failed to consider

not only the consequences, but also the real problems of an unbalanced

transportation system designed solely around cars.

Since many of the facts were not made public in court, there have been

assumptions published in the articles reporting the incident. What we

do know is Crawford County’s liability was imposed by their choice to

settle the lawsuit. Since the case was not decided in a court, fault

remains undecided and precedent does not exist. The lack of a

precedence may demonstrate how much of a liability really exists.

Bicyclists killed due to road defects are a rare exception and an

exponential number of bicyclists have been killed in Iowa due to

crashes with motor vehicles. Rather than banning bicycling events,

counties in Iowa should encourage more bicycling. Investments in

roadway maintenance, bicycling and walking facilities, and safety

education will pay big returns for communities.

What happens from here? The Iowa State Association of Counties has

discouraged any more counties from taking the same action as Crawford

County did. Many more counties are going on record to say they

welcome the ride to their county. There is no doubt we will see some

sort of action proposed when the Iowa Legislature convenes on January

14, 2008.

There is also no doubt that Iowa’s situation has implications on other

rides, bicycle level of service, and liability issues. It is also

obvious the issue reaches far beyond Iowa’s borders since over 6,000

riders per year live outside Iowa. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is

creating support and encouraging relations with new partners. One of

our most important partners will be grassroots cyclists and we will

need your support more than ever. Keep up to date at