Here comes the rain…but you can still bike!

Author: Bike East Bay

riding in the rain

As part of our 1000 New Cyclists campaign, the Bicycle Coalition hosted its first Winter Riding workshop at Mike’s Bikes in Berkeley on Thursday, November 18th. Sandwich donation from La Note allowed us all to go into the clinic with full stomachs – thanks, La Note! The group was treated to a great presentation on safety and tips for riding at night/in the rain from one of our League of American Bicyclists certified instructors, and then Jonas Jackel of Mike’s Bikes spoke to the group about proper gear and dressing appropriately to ride both after dark and in wet weather. We’re planning on having some more of these clinics during the coming winter months, so please stay tuned!

For more tips on biking during the upcoming winter months, check out the Oakland North article, featuring an interview with EBBC Outreach Organizer Rebecca Stievater.