Help Save Millions in Funding for Better Bike Access to Transit

Author: bcomadmin

Safe Routes to TransitSafe Routes to Transit is a regional funding source administered by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) that builds important improvements for bicycle and pedestrian access to transit including secure bike parking, bike paths to transit stations, safety improvements and on-board bike capacity. Locally, those funds have been used to make the recent improvements to 40th St at MacArthur BART, install elockers at BART Stations, and build the soon-to-open Downtown Berkeley Bike Station.

MTC’s Regional Transportation Plan adopted this spring promised $50 million in funding for Safe Routes to Transit over the next 5 years, but there is a vote on December 9th that would cut funding to only cover evaluation of existing projects with no money for new Safe Routes to Transit infrastructure improvements (see: Climate Action Plan. Join the East Bay Bicycle Coalition and the Bay Area Bicycle Coalition in our efforts to get this important funding back by taking 2 minutes to sign our petition. Take Action Now at