Glendale Tries to Become More Bike-Friendly, Takes a Page from Berkeley

Author: Bike East Bay

LA Times Photo

from the LA Times, April 29

Glendale is trying to become more bike friendly.

This quest sent a group of city officials to Berkeley, where they hit the streets via bike.

Six city employees from a range of departments joined Councilwoman Laura Friedman and consultant Colin Bogart, a liaison with the nonprofit Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, for a two-day trip that included a bike tour of Berkeley’s amenities for local cyclists.

“I thought it was valuable for people to see firsthand what Berkeley has in place for bicyclists and pedestrians,” said Bogart, who organized the visit as part of his efforts to help Glendale implement a Safe and Healthy Streets plan. “It’s easier to visualize the possibility of implementing the same infrastructure here in Glendale.”

Read the full article here in the Los Angeles Times