Healthier: biking and walking, even walking to transit, count toward an active, healthy lifestyle!
Less expensive: anything is cheaper than sitting in a car in traffic!
Less stressful: biking and walking actively relieve stress, and efficient, reliable, and safe lanes and transit routes get you to and from work in a jiffy!
Easier: transit-oriented development focuses shopping and housing around transit hubs, so you can get from home to all the great spots without hopping in the car.
Smoother: Better bicycle connections to transit and better transit connections to where you’re going mean that you have lots of options getting around, and they’re all great!
Whether you walk, bike, roll, ride transit, or even drive to work, funds from Measure BB will maintain and modernize key infrastructure and get you there faster and happier. Yes on BB!
It’s not too late to volunteer to get the word out about Measure BB. Get in touch with Colin at colin@bikeeastbay.org or (925) 588-5269 to help us TODAY.