Federal Complete Streets Act of 2009

Author: Bike East Bay

Road DietBancroft Ave Road Diet in San LeandroIn 2008 the Complete Streets Act came within a handful of votes from passing. This year, we have a real opportunity to garner sufficient votes in support of the Complete Streets Act of 2009 introduced in Congress by Senator Thomas Harkin (D-IA) and Representative Doris Matsui (D-CA).

Let’s make every road a good road for bicyclists! Please continue reading.

H.R. 1443: Complete Streets Act of 2009 Introduced Mar 11, 2009

S. 584: A bill to ensure that all users of the transportation system, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, and individuals with disabilities, are able to travel safely and conveniently on and across federally funded streets and highways. Introduced Mar 12, 2009.

Much like the Routine Accommodation policy adopted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission in 2006, and the Complete Streets bill signed into California State Law in 2008, the national version will work to make certain that federal transportation dollars are not spent to build new barriers or daunting hazards for bicyclists. Our successful advocacy to pass the regional and state versions of Complete Streets has caught the attention of the nation!

A number of partners have joined the effort. Read what other leaders have to say about Complete Streets at Complete Streets Quotes.


Visit the Complete Streets website to learn more about how you can help to pass this important legislation and support the impressive list of partners throughout the nation. You will also find templates to help you write letters to Senators Boxer and Feinstein.

Read EBBC’s Support Letter to Rep Ellen Tauscher (D-CA10), East Bay Co-sponsor. Note that shortly after EBBC sent our support letter, Rep Tauscher accepted an appointment to an important State Department post from the Obama administration. As a consequence, the East Bay has temporarily (we hope) lost our congressional representative on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.