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Group of 25+ cyclists including kids and adults behind a black fence with an imposed legend stating: US bank OPEN THE PATH, 2354, Alameda Diablo, Diablo, CA. The title reads: Public Rally - Join Us At the US Bank in Danville, November 1, 2023 between 12-2pm Text on flier states:We request that US Bank reopen the path in Diablo to allow safe access for people going to Mount Diablo State Park. Local High School Mountain Bike Clubs, students, coaches, parents, and the public will hold a Rally at US Bank in Danville at the Livery (651 San Ramon Valley Blvd) on Wednesday, November 1st from 12 noon to 2pm. Please click on the QR Code to sign the petition to keep access to Mount Diablo State Park safe for everyone. Visit for updates.

Date: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

Location: US Bank in Danville at the Livery (651 San Ramon Valley Blvd)

Time: 12-2pm

For more information click here

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