The City of Emeryville adopted its first Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan in 1998, which sets forth a vision to provide bicycle and pedestrian access to all parts of the city, transit hubs, and neighboring cities. The City has since constructed many of the projects recommended in the 1998 Plan. The City is updating the 1998 Plan to address new issues that have arisen in the past twelve years. The city has become a regional shopping destination, a center of medical and film making innovation and will be the access point for the bicycle and pedestrian path on the new east span of the Bay Bridge. The new plan will include:
- Updated existing conditions, collision information, and biking and walking activity levels
- Recommended bicycle routes and pedestrian facilities
- Design and maintenance standards
The City of Emeryville has hired Alta Planning + Design as the consultant to prepare the Plan. Emeryville City Website on Ped/Bike Plan