Emeryville approves $680,000 bridge design contract

Author: Bike East Bay

On November 17th the Emeryville City Council approved an additional $680,000 in local expenditures to design the “Interstate 80 Pedestrian Bicycle Bridge“.

The bridge, if funded, is projected to cost from $11-$26 million, and connect from the end of 65th Street to the Bay Trail at the small peninsula known as Point Emery. An alternative plan to build a structure integrated with the current and future Ashby interchange was not pursued by City Council. That option was projected to cost around $3 million, and offered less separation from freeway offramp traffic, but much better bay views, and a more direct connection (less foldbacks, larger radius curves). The option required Caltrans approval (which was not pursued).

The project, once designed, will compete with other projects for regional transportation and bicycle funding.