Board members present: Ole Ohlson, Rick Rickard, Bill Pinkham, Tom Ayres, Dave Campbell (Chair), Craig Hagelin, Steve Ardrey, Leo Dubose, Mary Norton
Staff: Robert Raburn, Carrie Harvilla
Approval of July Minutes:
July Board Meeting – APPROVED
July General Meeting – APPROVED
Treasurer’s report – Rick Rickard
No major changes to report since last meeting. We still need to collect for Bike to Work Day from several towns and bike shops.
Membership report – Carrie Harvilla
Currently ~2500 members, not counting those in the grace period or recently expired (household memberships are counted as 2 members each). We will be doing phone calling next Wednesday (Sept. 23) at volunteer night at the EBBC. ~40 people came to the membership appreciation night last month.
Holiday party – Dave Campbell
Several locations are being considered. Sunday evening, Dec. 13, is a likely date, or Tuesday 8th.
Expenses for shop ambassador program – Robert
Derek Liecty wants to be able to send brochures to the shop ambassadors to take to the shops. The cost will be up to $200/year. Motion for mailing and printing: APPROVED
Board nomination committee for November Annual Meeting – Robert
A number of new super-volunteers give us the opportunity to get new people on the Board. Dave Campbell plans to step down from the Board (continuing instead as staff). Tom, Rick and Leo agree to help with nomination committee.
General meeting location/time for 2010
The Rockridge Library room may not be available next year on Tuesdays, so we need to consider changing the night, or the location. Majority of Board prefer to stay here and change the date, rather than moving elsewhere to preserve the date. Robert suggests using 3rd Thursdays. More information will be obtained.
Valet bike parking racks – Robert
We had offered to buy back racks from BART, they have offered instead to make them available for our use. They are stored at Fruitvale Village, can be used there, possibly elsewhere.