EBBC General Meeting 11-17-09 Draft Minutes

Author: Bike East Bay

EBBC General Meeting – 11/17/09 – Draft Minutes


Board elections

Slate of 11, including Tom Ayres as Chair, Sylvia Paul as Secretary, Rick Rickard as Treasurer and Dave Favello as Vice Chair – ELECTED. Thanks to the ad hoc sub committee that identified and vetted potential nominees.

Bridge toll increase and West Span Bicycle/Pedestrian/Maintenance Path campaign

Robert reports. The Bay Area Toll Authority hopes to raise $160 million per year for seismic retrofits (Antioch & Dumbarton) etc. They are considering various types of toll increases. One of the options includes a congestion pricing scheme, with the auto toll on the SF Oakland Bay Bridge at $6 in peak hours, $5 weekends, $4 non-peak. A modified option would use $5 as the non-peak toll and $7 peak.

The Caltrans feasibility study in 2001 found the best solution for bike/ped/maintenance access would be to put outboard paths on both sides of the west span. BATA has proposed to do an update of the 2001 study for engineering designs and cost estimates. A big push of support will be needed in the next several months to get the go-ahead for the WSBPMP.

Motion for EBBC to support the modified 3rd toll option, in order to generate revenue for the WSBPMP (along with the other 3 projects): APPROVED

Calaveras Road closure and EBBC suggestions

Construction of the dam will stir up asbestos, closing the Calaveras Wilderness for 2 years. The Calaveras Road will be closed during weekdays because of heavy equipment. Robert notes that the road will need to be maintained (e.g., swept) so that it will be safe for bicycles when the road is open on weekends; we also hope that it will be available for the Primavera Century (Fremont Freewheelers) and for the Amgen Tour of California (which comes through on a weekday). Finally, Robert notes that we don’t have access over Sunol Grade; there is not access except by freeways. We need a bridge over Alameda Creek on Paloma Road, giving access to Andrade, Sheridan, and Mission Pass roads. Funds would come from contingency set-asides for mitigation.

Motion to support mitigation for these 4 needs: APPROVED

Save Safe Routes to Transit funding

Jenel (Bay Area Bicycle Coalition) says we are seeking $50 million for Safe Routes to Transit – to facilitate non-motorized access to transit stations. This is funding that had been promised by the Regional Transportation Plan of the MTC for the next 5 years. A petition of support is available at the BABC site – there is a link at the EBBC site – all are urged to send letters. Supporters are encouraged for the Dec 9 meeting of the MTC, or submit comments (savesrt2@bayareabikes.org).

Velo Wonderland Dec 4

Carrie urges all to attend this EBBC party, with friends, including folks who are not (yet) EBBC members. There will be bike-themed and recycled art, a DJ, beer, snacks, deserts. Volunteers are needed to help make this a success. The beer will be from the Linden St. brewery, which has a special cargo bike to deliver kegs; they are making a batch of Velo Wonderland Winter Lager for the event.

State Park access

Robert notes that California State Parks Foundation is sponsoring an $18 per car fee, giving access (free parking) at state parks, with funds to go to support keeping the parks open. In the meantime it appears that parks critical to cycling in the east bay are still likely to be open, so the state park access issue is not directly relevant to the EBBC.

Retreat Jan 23-24

Save the date – all EBBC members are invited – details to come