EBBC Board Meeting 11-17-09 Draft minutes

Author: Bike East Bay

EBBC Board Meeting – 11/17/09 – Draft Minutes

Present: Dave Campbell (Chair), Steve Ardrey, Tom Ayres, Bill Pinkham, Ole Ohlson, Leo Dubose, Rick Ricard, Dave Favello

Also Robert Raburn, Carrie Harvilla, Hal Eisen, Eric, Ian McDonald,

Board members

Steve, Mary, Erich, and Dave C are stepping down

4 interested nominees (propsed by sub-committee, contacted, found to be willing and interested) – Susan Stewart, Justice Baxter, Morgan Kennanin, and Sylvia Paul

Rick will continue as treasurer, Tom as secretary, Bike Dave as Vchair

For chair: Tom volunteers to take this on if someone else will be secretary – remains to be worked out


No report this month because our bookkeeper just had a baby. Rick is working on getting access to the accounts with quickbooks. For 2010, he assumes we will have 2 offices (increased expense), but likely only 4 newsletters per year (reduced cost).

Budget for Bike to Work Day – Dave Campbell

Presents a budget – generally the same as BtWD 2009, with ~$10k extra from ACCMA (Alameda Co. CMA). Notes that memberships received at the Bike Away from Work Party are not listed as income in the budget, since those relate to the on-going growth of the EBBC, even though a number of memberships are obtained at that time. Several people agreed that that income should not be included in the BtWD budget, but we will track the amount of income involved so we can evaluate the financial impact of the event.

Suggestion was made to make the Bike Away from Work Party a separate event, for budgeting, with costs and income to be considered separately from the rest of BtWD.

Motion to authorize Dave to begin spending on BtWD on the current temporary budget, to be revisited later: APPROVED


Robert reports that we have received 2 pallets of the new 2009 revision of West of the Hills. We have paid the last portion of the contract. For the future, we will be looking into a digital project. Robert would like approval for Greg Tanaka of Valleytech Mapping to begin work on that project, with $3k to begin. APPROVED

Short reports

T-shirts – Carrie requests ~$1k to print up new t-shirts – Beautiful Machine – says a prototype she has worn to summer events was well received. Motion to authorize – APPROVED

Assistant Education Coordinator – Dave C says we are reviewing resumes to hire someone to work on a part-time basis on bike safety classes, etc. More on this in January.

Retreat Jan 23-24 – Save this date for our annual retreat – details forthcoming.

Third Wed Meetings in 2010 – In the coming year – at least for the first 2 months – we will have our meetings on the 3rd Wednesday, rather than our long tradition of 3rd Tuesday. Feedback will be appreciated. Rick notes that this change will need to be addressed in a change to the by-laws.

End 7:35 pm