Draft of Minutes for April 21 Board Meeting

Author: Bike East Bay

Board members present: Tom Ayres (chair), Dave Favello (Vice Chair), Leo Dubose, Craig Hagelin, Morgan Kanninen, Sylvia Paull, Bill Pinkham, Rick Rickard

Staff: Carrie Harvilla, Dave Campbell

Tom Ayres convened the meeting, and the board approved the March minutes. A motion was approved to change Erik Jensen’s work contract with the EBBC to extend his hours to 40 per week. The board also authorized up to $800 for purchasing a two-bay trailer plus stanchions for Dave Campbell’s bike so we can move bike valet and other equipment.

Rick Rickard, treasurer, reported that Bike to Work Day expenditures amount to $17,000 thus far with $33,000 having come in. We are $17,000 in the red for the Streets Skills classes but will be reimbursed. Rick has also renewed our contract to sell our maps with our existing vendor.

The Finance Committee, chaired by Rick, was authorized by the board to sign our new three-year lease for the Berkeley BART bike station space pending review by Dave Campbell. Monthly rent, subject to small increases, is $530 and includes all utilities except for telephone/Internet, and can be terminated without a penalty fee. The space is larger than the one we now occupy at the Fruitvale BART station because it includes a work/storage loft as well as access to a community space for meetings and presentation. We will give up our Fruitvale office once we move into the new Berkeley BART bike station.

Morgan Kanninen reported on a meeting by the Staff Relations Committee, which is anticipating future needs and welcomes input from the board and other members in keep open a line of communication between staff and the board.

The May newsletter will announce a new quarterly publication of the print edition to start in August. E-newsletters will be published on a biweekly basis and will give us the ability to feature more timely content.

Leo Dubose reported about our new effort to coordinate advocacy campaigns. Ole Ohlsson, our advocate in Contra Costa County, has helped to get CalTrans to agree to Complete Streets. Leo is our advocate on ACTIA, but we need a coordinator for advocacy. A draft list of advocacy topics and EBBC contacts will be set up as a Google docs spreadsheet. Morgan suggested we provide advocacy training and create an advocacy reporting form to encourage and support EBBC members who would like to become advocates.