Doyle to Ninth Street greenway connection opens in Triple Point neighborhood

Author: Bike East Bay

What recently-completed East Bay road project is less than one-fourth mile long and more than 10 years in the planning?

If you guessed the Ninth Street Bicycle Boulevard Extension, the connection between Berkeley’s Ninth Street Bicycle Boulevard and Emeryville’s Doyle Street Greenway, you win the prize. (Okay, there is no prize – but good for you!)

On April 21 at 10 a.m., the cities of Berkeley and Emeryville, along with the East Bay Bicycle Coalition and many of the local officials and funders who helped support this important bikeway will officially celebrate the opening of the connection between the two cities. The public is invited to participate in the “grand opening.”

This little stretch of bikeway will have a big impact on regional bicycle connectivity, says EBBC Program Director Dave Campbell.

Read the full story here