Dont Wait till 2036! Cycle & Recycle 2008 Leap Year Calendar

Author: bcomadmin

[G2:1016 class=right] The Cycle & Recycle 2008-2036-2064 calender is a great holiday gift for your family and friends. Even your great grandkids will enjoy it in 2064! We have a limited stock available now for $15 only $7 plus tax at our Fruitvale Village Office, 3301 E12th, Suite 143, open from 10am to 5pm, M-F (call first as advocacy meetings often intervene).

Celebrating “the high life on low energy” the 11″ X 17″ wall calendar features more than 20 remarkable color photos, along with provocative quotes and illustrations. “Cycle & Recycle is an example of what non-profits can do and publish by collaborating” says the editor John Dowlin.

EBBC needs your support now more than ever before as we fight for your rights as a bicyclist on many fronts. Hardly a week goes by that our efforts are not mentioned in the East Bay press. Please join EBBC or renew at a generous level for 2008.

East Bay Bicycle Coalition

(510) 533-RIDE (7433)

MAIL: PO Box 1736, Oakland 94604 (Sorry no mail-orders)

OFFICE: Fruitvale Village, 3301 E12th, Suite 143