City of Berkeley Bike Subcommittee meeting NOTES (Dec 3, 2009)

Author: Bike East Bay

Present: Staff, Eric Anderson, Commissioners Marcy Greenhut, Chair, Seth Goddard, notes taker, Scott Mace, Jason Meggs, Dave Campbell, Rebecca Stievater, Phil Morton, and Katy Wafle (Local 123 Cafe).

Updates from Staff and Commissioners: 5:20 – 5:40

a. Current Staff projects report

i. Bike Station update

Demo of 2-tier bike racks done. Bike count expected to exceed the 250 requirement.

Design of space moving forward.

Not sure if Landmarks Commission has acted to approve design variation.

Goal: Open for business on Bike to Work Day 2010

ii. Bicycle Parking Project 2009-2011

250 locations for bike racks identified.

Expect to begin installation in January, 2010. Complete Spring 2010.

iii. Bicycle count data collection and analysis

Staff putting together a report for January/February delivery.

May need additional data to help with future grant work.

iv. 9th Street Bicycle Boulevard Extension

Designs in process.

Designs will represent more than one option to accommodate today’s limited finances and future scenarios when greater funds may be made available.

High cost of project due to complications related to crossing Hwy 13 (Ashby).

Expect January presentation to bike subcommittee.

v. West Street Pathway

Paperwork completed so that funding can be made available.

vi. Safe Routes to Transit – Bicycle Parking Project

More funds for SR2T projects have been requested.

b. Caldecott status update

Study will be done to determine cost of each listed project for prioritization purposes to receive mitigation funding related to increased traffic through the 4th bore of Caldecott tunnel.

Request from Claremont/Tunnel Road neighbors is that the bulk of funds be spent in their neighborhood due to proximity to Hwy 24.

5. Items for Discussion: 5:40-6:30

a. Class I Multi-use Path Design Standards

Related to 9th Street where the existing Emeryville design cannot be replicated along the entire Berkeley route due to the path’s fluctuating width. Project is expected to be zero runoff. Members of the sub-committee appeared to be in general agreement that the path should maintain a different surface for pedestrians and bikers. Various surfaces were discussed and will be part of the designs provided at January subcommittee meeting.

b. “In-street” Bicycle Parking

While the Local 123 Cafe on San Pablo is interested in making their location as bike-friendly as possible, the idea of replacing one auto parking space with 12 spaces for bikes was introduced.

City staff said CalTrans needs to approve any work done from property line to property line on San Pablo (Hwy 123).

It was suggested that the owner of Local 123 Cafe may make a joint request with Lane Splitters and the city can look into creating in-street spaces on Addison, around the corner from their businesses.

Cafe name will be added to list of locations for sidewalk rack installation, pending Caltrans approval, with this year’s rack allocation and installation program.

c. Hearst Ave. Bike Lane, Shattuck to Arch:

i. report back from staff regarding funding potential — no update. It was remarked that most of the grants have funding specifically for staffing.

ii. neighbor concerns re: cut-through traffic into neighborhood

iii. traffic observation report

Expect another report at January meeting.

d. Bike Plan Update and Implementation:

i. Status of Bike Plan recommendation going to Council

On Council agenda for Tues Dec 8. Recommendations will include a study of major intersection crossings and a request for the funds to do the study.

Now is the time to start getting together your wish list for the Bike Plan 2011.

e. Increasing Bicycling mode share in Berkeley

i. Bike to Work Day 2010 — Start spreading the news…

ii. “Cool Your Commute”: idea to implement Berkeley’s Climate Action Plan

A program to try and get people to replace one auto trip per week with a bike trip.

Combine “casual” Fridays with “ride to work Fridays”.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Next meeting 4th Thurs. of Jan. (back to regular schedule), Jan. 28th, 5- 6:30 p.m.