Bike Lanes to West Oakland BART Coming Soon

Author: bcomadmin
new bike & ped improvements on 7th Street

from Union to Wood Streets

7th street construction for new bike lanesConstruction is moving forward swiftly on the 7th Street Streetscape Project in West Oakland, which will include new bike lanes from Union to Wood Streets, wider sidewalks, new street lighting that may look really nice, bike racks, and a Blues Walk of Fame commemorating the heart of the West Coast blues scene from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

The 7th St Streetscape project is funded by the Air District and was born out of a community based transportation plan that started back in 2006. The Project is also part of a larger West Oakland BART Transit Village being developed to attract new housing and businesses to the area.

The project area was once home to numerous forms of transit and transportation, commerce and cultural institutions, but has suffered greatly from the negative impacts of freeways and BART since the 1950’s. While it once thrived from its connections to the rail and the Port of Oakland and benefited from employment and industry, it has been physically divided by freeways and the overhead BART structures and continues to suffer today from noise and shadow from the BART structure and bad air quality from diesel truck traffic and freeway pollution.

Bicycling in the area is not easy and connections to and from the Project still need to be addressed. But, bike lanes have been completed on 3rd Street leading from Jack London Square to West Oakland BART, and on Mandela Parkway and Market Street. Still to be completed are bikeway projects on Grand Avenue and 14th Street, as well as connections to the new Bay Bridge Bike/Ped Pathway currently under construction.

In addition, Tony Coleman has brought a great new community bike shop into the area, Bikes4Life, and The Crucible has a thriving youth bike program that opens its doors to the neighborhood of West Oakland with regular bike fix-a-thons.