Donate to Albany Strollers & Rollers

Albany Strollers & Rollers (AS&R) works to provide safer routes for people biking and using sidewalks in & around the Albany area, to improve bicycle awareness and sidewalk safety, and to influence the direction of traffic management.

Expanding since its inception in 2004 from an original membership of 40 to more than 750 households, AS&R provides services to the community, such as free Bicycle Valet Parking at public events, funding bike racks and air pump kits in Albany’s business districts, parks & schools, bringing a pedal-powered blender for smoothies to street fairs, installing free lights on school kids’ bikes and working with kids to learn safe cycling skills.

Bike East Bay is proud to support AS&R through non-profit fiscal sponsorship (EIN 94-2585652). Your donation is tax deductible and supports AS&R’s advocacy and community programs.

Follow AS&R on Facebook!

Albany Strollers & Rollers (AS&R) works to provide safer routes for people biking and using sidewalks in & around the Albany area, to improve bicycle awareness and sidewalk safety, and to influence the direction of traffic management.

Expanding since its inception in 2004 from an original membership of 40 to more than 750 households, AS&R provides services to the community, such as free Bicycle Valet Parking at public events, funding bike racks and air pump kits in Albany’s business districts, parks & schools, bringing a pedal-powered blender for smoothies to street fairs, installing free lights on school kids’ bikes and working with kids to learn safe cycling skills.

Bike East Bay is proud to support AS&R through non-profit fiscal sponsorship (EIN 94-2585652). Your donation is tax deductible and supports AS&R’s advocacy and community programs.

Follow AS&R on Facebook!

Bike East Bay is proud to support AS&R through non-profit fiscal sponsorship (EIN 94-2585652). Your donation is tax deductible and supports AS&R’s advocacy and community programs.

Bike East Bay is proud to support AS&R through non-profit fiscal sponsorship (EIN 94-2585652). Your donation is tax deductible and supports AS&R’s advocacy and community programs.