Albany Bikeway Updates from Albany Strollers & Rollers

Author: Bike East Bay

1. Painting and signing cycling routes

2. Solano Stroll – park bikes, run table, have lunch

3. University Village Mixed Use project update

4. Alberrito Streets


1. Painting and signing cycling routes in the Capital Improvement Plan

Staff is proposing to paint and sign cycling routes throughout the City in the next two years. This project is proposed as one of the projects in the City’s Capital Improvement Program, which runs for five years but is updated every two. Presuming the Council approves the Program as drafted at its upcoming meeting on September 4th (it would be quite surprising if it did not), you can expect to see more cycling routes rolling out all around town in the next couple of years.

Even though this project is only budgeted for $80 thousand out of the $25 million capital improvement budget, that was always the point. Painting and signing cycling routes has a high benefit for the cost. Even so, AS&R failed miserably when it tried to get painting and signing into the capital program in 2008. It subsequently built the case by successfully advocating for the Climate Action Plan to call for accelerated implementation of the cycling network, and then the Active Transportation Plan to specifically prioritize implementation of the paint and sign cycling route components because of their low cost and high benefit.

So this year, when the capital program was first proposed without a painting and signing project, AS&R was ready and pointed to the Active Transportation Plan. To staff’s credit, they recommended delaying adoption of the capital program to allow consideration of AS&R’s position, and then decided to include the painting and signing project. To Council’s credit, it provided the time for this to occur.

Congratulations to everyone who worked on this pending success, four years in the making. You have made a difference. AS&R encourages messages to Council and staff thanking them for taking this step.


2. Solano Stroll – help park bikes, trikes, strollers, scooters and skateboards or run AS&R’s information table, and have lunch

On Sunday, September 9, AS&R will once again be valet parking bicycles, tricycles, baby strollers, scooters, and skateboards and running an information table during the Solano Stroll, which takes place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Thanks to Amy Smolen’s efforts, everyone who helps with AS&R’s valet parking or running the table for 2 hours gets a free lunch from Bua Luang/Tay Tah Cafe. You also get the chance to meet hundreds of people who cycle to this event, often with their children, and encourage them to continue cycling as an alternative form of transportation and just for fun.

Our booth is on the north side of Solano, next to Sophia Cafe in the empty lot where pumpkins are usually sold during Halloween. Shifts are 2 hours, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We also need people to help with set up our booth and the bike racks from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., and then take-down from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Please let Sylvia Paull know when you would prefer to work the valet parking. You can email her at or call 510.527.0450. Please let Amy Smolens know when you can help run the information table. You can email her at


3. University Village Mixed Use project update – suit filed and negotiations underway

As previously announced, AS&R and C0A requested the City and parties involved in the University Village Mixed Use project extend the statute of limitations to allow negotiation. Neither the City nor the other parties decided to do so. With great regret, AS&R and C0A subsequently filed suit against Albany and the parties involved. This preserves their ability to protest the Council’s approval of literally last minute changes to the project’s environmental requirements. The changes weakened requirements regarding cycling routes and solar power facilities, possibly to the point of elimination.

AS&R and C0A do not oppose or support the project overall. AS&R and C0A are still interested in a negotiated solution to their concerns, and appreciate that the City and UC have recently expressed similar interest. Representatives of each will be meeting today to start the discussion. AS&R and C0A are hopeful this will lead to resolution.

The changes of concern, requested by UC, were first presented to the Council at 1 o’clock in the morning on July 10th. The requirements had previously existed for three years. The Council approved the changes within three minutes. There was no opportunity for public consideration, question or comment. This portion of the Council’s meeting, which started on July 9th, can be viewed starting at 5 hours and 46 minutes on the meeting video available at .

Whether there is a settlement or not, there are legal fees that will need to be covered. The EBBC is setting up a fund for tax deductible donations in support of this effort. Details are forthcoming in next week’s announcement.


4. Alberrito Streets

On Saturday, September 22nd, Albany and El Cerrito will once again close Key Route across the cities’ border and beyond to let everyone take to the street to play and meet. Among various activities there will be an Albany versus El Cerrito tug-of-war and AS&R will be giving away smoothies blended up by attendees using pedal power. You can learn more at

Please let Ken McCroskey Wait know when you can help with AS&R’s smoothie bike that day. You can email him at


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