Bike East Bay Members show their Action PlanOur Strategic Planning Summit in January culminated with a dynamic action planning session that set our strategic direction for the coming years. In addition to the key actions below, we also identified measures of success.

Click here for more on our Summit and for the Strategic Framework that came out of the Summit and now guides our work at Bike East Bay.

For the past two months, our staff has been digesting the input we received from the more than 120 summit participants and putting together action plans to guide our work in the coming years. Focusing concretely on the outcomes we want to achieve, the strategies to get there, and the ways we will measure our success has generated a great deal of buzz and energy around our office. We are ready to spring into action!


  • Secure new funding for walking and biking in the East Bay and ensure funding already approved, such as Measure BB in Alameda County, is used for innovative, safe, effective projects.

  • Get new bikeway networks that serve all ages and connect to transit, key destinations and existing bikeways approved, funded, and implemented.

  • Engage low income communities and communities of color through projects serving the needs of these communities, such as developing safe routes to affordable housing.


  • Increase public awareness of bicycling in the East Bay through media and other campaigns directed at all road users.

  • Build partnerships with law enforcement to decrease bike theft, improve safety, and promote education.

  • Provide abundant free programs that are responsive to local needs and engage participants using instructors who are representative of our communities.

Community Engagement:

  • Build capacity and support local community and volunteer groups by serving as a network, hub and connector.

  • Engage businesses as advocates and supporters through a business member program.

  • Engage people who don’t think of themselves as cyclists through shared values such as decreasing injuries and fatalities (Vision Zero), improving health outcomes, and economic development.

Coming soon – a more detailed look at these action steps including how we will measure our success on each one.  Check back on this page by the end of April for an update.