Action Alert: Support Complete Streets in Oakland

Author: Bike East Bay

Walk Oakland Bike Oakland and The East Bay Bicycle Coalition are partnering to respond to the recent deaths of cyclists Pete Webster, 60, and Erik Fitzpatrick, 34. EBBC and WOBO have written a statement to present at the next City Council meeting to let Council Members know that the lack of safe, connected bicycle access in Oakland puts thousands of cyclists at risk on a daily basis. The statement includes five specific requests to make Oakland’s streets safer for bicyclists.

In anticipation of the June 15th Oakland City Council meeting, we need your participation in our email campaign to the Oakland City Council. It takes just thirty seconds to sign on and make your voice heard in support of safer cycling and better facilities.

What you can do:

1. Act Now: Take a moment to sign a letter to the Oakland City Council

2. Come to the the City Council Meeting, June 15th at 5:30pm, and stand as a bicyclist when EBBC and WOBO representatives read the statement.

3. Join the Memorial Ride celebrating the lives of Erik Fitzpatrick & Pete Webster, organized by WOBO June 13,12-3pm

4. Ride safely and avoid the door zone: always ride at least three feet from parked cars. Take a free bike safety class to learn more about sharing the road.

We will present the following requests to the City Council at Oakland’s City Hall on Tuesday, June 15.

  • 1. Accelerate completion of the Bicycle Master Plan to the recommended three-year timeline in the Energy and Climate Action Plan. EBBC and WOBO are eager to discuss creative ways to increase Oakland’s capacity to realize this need in the current budgetary climate. Street accommodations for bicyclists are among the least expensive and most beneficial street improvements possible.
  • 2. Revise the City of Oakland’s approach to the new California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines as they relate to the expedited implementation of the City’s adopted Bicycle Master Plan. The California Natural Resources Agency has specifically stated that the new CEQA guidelines shift the focus from the capacity of the circulation system to the project’s consistency with applicable plans and policies that establish objective measures of effectiveness. It’s time to establish new measures of effectiveness of Oakland’s roadway network and make it work for bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • 3. Initiate a citywide marketing campaign to ensure all road users understand safe and proper road behavior — particularly how motorists and bicyclists should legally and safely share the road. EBBC and WOBO are willing to collaborate with the City of Oakland on effective educational messaging. The following public agencies have already expressed similar interest: the Alameda County Department of Public Health, Alameda County Transportation Improvement Agency, and the City of Berkeley.
  • 4. Work with the police department to enforce Vehicle Code 22517: “No person shall open the door of a vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of such traffic, nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers.” We look forward to partnering with the police department to educate motorists about their role in keeping our streets safe for all users.
  • 5. Recognize Erik Fitzpatrick, Pete Webster and the other bicycle riders who have been killed while riding in Oakland. WOBO is organizing a memorial ride for the two cyclists on June 13th. The ride will begin at 52nd and Market at Noon and end at MacArthur and Patterson. We invite all City Council Members to join us for this ride to honor both men.