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Our volunteer streetscape architects Kyra Baldwin, Tatyana Vashchenko and Anne Bee Szendrenyi have developed these exciting bikeway designs for Telegraph Avenue. Members and supporters like you told us what type of bikeway you want on Telegraph and we listened. Take our Telegraph Ave Bikeway Design Survey if you haven’t already.

KONO District

We are proposing one-way cycle tracks on Telegraph as a pilot project to test modern, European-style protected bikeways on an urban Oakland street. With a cycle track, the position of the parking and the bike lane is switched, with the bike lane next to the curb and the parking spaced one lane away from the curb. Parking is preserved with this design, and the bicycling experience is greatly improved because the car parking provides a physical barrier for the bikeway, which provides enhanced comfort and sense of security for people who are new to bicycling and want to start commuting by bike. Cycle tracks have been proven effective and popular in cities like New York, Chicago and Portland.

Hospital District

The bikeway in the Hospital District could look a lot like the current bike lanes above Aileen St, where the center turn lanes were removed years ago to make space for bike lanes. This basic design would be enhanced with green paint to highlight the start of the bike lanes

Temescal District


In the Temescal District, we are looking at the potential to create a pocket plaza at the junction of Shattuck Ave and Telegraph. In fact, during the Temescal Street Fair on July 7, we will be showing off a temporary version of the pocket plaza-we’re calling it “Kasper’s Korner.”

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